Home Cooked Meals Needed for Wounded Warriors Dig

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The American Veterans Archaeological Recovery, in partnership with the Wounded Warriors Project, is taking a group of approximately 20-30 veterans and their spouses to dig at the Saratoga Battlefield from May 18th – June 16th, 2019. This program builds  veterans with physical or mental injuries into a peer-supported community with the help of archaeological researchers who provide goal-oriented, team-centered excavations.

We have been invited to prepare and serve breakfast, lunch and dinner on Thursday, May 23rd, Wednesday, May 29th, Friday, June 7th, and Tuesday, June 11th.  Possible suggestions would be to have your area of ministry sign up for a meal or a group of friends come together and prepare a meal. Individuals are needed too!

The Archaeological group has rented a house with a full kitchen 15 minutes from the church. Since they start each day early, breakfast needs to be prepared and served at their house at 7:15am. We also need volunteers to put together a box/bag lunch “to go” with them when they leave the house following breakfast. The group will come to the church for 6:30pm dinner. Individuals are needed as well to provide cupcakes and cookies for snacks for their off hours at the house.

We will host a pot luck supper on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall at which time the group will offer an informative presentation on their work at the dig. If you and/or your group would be willing to volunteer, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact glen@saratogaumc.org.