The Life of Christmas Present: Look Upon Me

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Please read Deuteronomy 15:7-11 & Matthew 2:1-18 to prepare for Sunday morning worship.

Sermon Focus: “The Life of Christmas Present: Look Upon Me”

Reflection Questions:

  • Deuteronomy is a book of instructions to the Israelites as they entered the Promised Land. These short verses remind them and us to open our hand wide to the poor.  How can you live this out during Advent?
  • In the Gospel of Matthew tells the story of the Wise Men who brought gifts to Jesus, as well as the brutal actions of Herod. The gifts and blessings mingled with the reality of power over and against others. What does today’s praxis of gift giving serve – God or secular culture? Why do you think this?

Connection for Today:

As Scrooge journeys with the ghost of Christmas present he reflects on the reality of those who are poor.  According to him the poor only have themselves to blame and would be better off dead.  The ghost instructs him to “Look” at the suffering of the world and his hand in it. A change in our perception carries with it the potential to transform the way we relate to others. Let us work to change our perception to align with that of Christ  so that our world might be transformed to a place of peace, love, hope, and joy!